The Dock Gorilla Story

  • If you have a waterfront property or have vacationed at one, you would strongly agree that one of the best places to relax is sitting on the dock with your family and friends. However, what I observed was that these amazing spaces had either no furniture, uninviting furniture screwed into the dock, or the furniture had to be carried on and off the dock by owners and renters after every use. Why? Because of the threat of losing their expensive furniture to unexpected high winds, lost into the water or worse hurting others.
  • To solve this problem I started looking around for some possible solutions.  What I found was the options out there were either ugly or not flexible. If you wanted FLEXIBILITY to move the furniture, for example following the sun or making room for others, you had to deal with UGLY cables or ropes draping across the dock. If you didn't want UGLY cables and ropes, you had to GIVE UP FLEXIBILITY by essentially fastening your furniture directly into your dock!
  • With no good options out there, I was motivated to invent a fastener that allowed movement of the furniture when secured to the dock, that was unnoticeable, easy to install, and durable. Giving property owners and hosts a solution to create hassle free and worry free inviting spaces on their docks.
  • After many prototypes, the DOCK GORILLA was born!